Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

Merry christmas!

Hi there! :) 

It's vacation, a few days before christmas and I'm so happy that I finally got all presents. I love christmas days and being together only with my family and friends. Hope you all have a great time, though!
Well, I wanted to upload some pics and here they are. I know it's not perfect photography and yes, I'm just a beginner. But I hope I'll get better. Whatever, hope you like the photos! :)

That was all for now! :) Merry christmas!


Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011


Hi everyone! :)

Sorry, that I haven't wrote for so long, but I'm really stressed. I've so many exams, partys and I need christmas presents! I was shopping today, but well.. I don't have a present for everyone already! :( So, I hope you understand.
Last time I learned really much and I got some good grates, I'm really proud! ;) And I baked 'gingerbread houses' with my brother and my 2 cousins and with Anni I baked some cookies. That was fun!
I'm really excited for vacation and than I'll write more often. :)
Well, I should go to sleep. I'm more than tired. Next time I'm going to post some pictures.

Love you all! x